I have known for quite some time that I have some half siblings, but was unsuccessful in locating them. An unexpected unsolicited response referencing my siblings' family was made on a Facebook post I made. To my surprise I was able to confirm that this was their family. I know that it is nothing but God and the ancestors that is orchestrating things, because I got nowhere when I was actively looking for them.
This morning something told me to check my other message folder on Facebook. There I found another message of a young man asking if we were related. I am not sure if there is a family connection, but am hopeful that I will be able to make some headway on the branch of my tree that has been most difficult. These two incidents have knocked down my guard about using social media and the Internet frequently. I am really ready to embrace all that world wide web has to offer in my quest to reconnect, connect, and stay connected to my family. What a beautiful surprise and place the Internet can be.